14th Russian Rogaining Championship
Bulletin 1
1. Format and Rules

The Russian Rogaining Championships will be held in 24-hours format in accordance with the Rules of the International Rogaining Federation. Russian Rogaining Championships are the qualifying events for the World Rogaining Championships.

2. Location and Dates

The 14th Russian Rogaining Championships will take place in Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod region, near Bogorodsk city on September 23-24, 2017. Exact location of the competition centre will be announced on the event website later.
Nizhniy Novgorod is located approximately 400 km east of Moscow and is in a good transport accessibility. There are railway station, airport, and several long-distance bus stations in the city. Competition center is located about 35 km from Nizhny Novgorod. Details and travel options from Nizhny Novgorod and Dzerzhinsk by the public and private transport will be published on the event website.

3. Accommodation Options

 - Tent camp in the event centre. Open fires prohibited. Detailed information about camping will be available on the event website.
 - Sports complex Habarskoe located 15 km from the competition centre:
 - Hotels in Bogorodsk town (5 km from the competition centre).

4. Terrain

Competition area presents a variety of terrain types. Forested slope of Oka river of about 100 m height crosses the area from west to east. Flood plain of Oka river, mostly of good passability, with a complex system of flood flows is located north of Oka river. Fields with numerous small woodlands and ravines south of Oka river.
Minimum height above sea level - 64 m
Maximum height above sea level - 195 m
Soil type: clay.
Water objects: Oka river, lakes, streams in flood area, artificial ponds, streams, marshes.
Dominant tree species: mixed forests; mainly deciduous forests in slope and flood plain areas.
Population: moderate, small settlements of rural type, country villages located throughout the area.
Road and path network: from dense network to average in the flood plain of Oka river and on the slopes.
Dangerous areas: roads with traffic along the perimeter of the competition area, steep slopes, cliffs, deep creeks, swamps, dogs in the settlements.

5. Competition Map

Competition map is developed with OCAD software; symbols for sports orienteering used. Map samples partially included in the championships competition area are available by the links:
Map will be printed on paper; scale 1:30000 - 1:35000; contour interval: 5 m.

6. Weather and Climate

Expected temperatures during the rogaine are from 10° C to 15° C during the daytime and from 5° C to 10° C at night. Rains are possible.
September 23, 2017
18:02 Sunset
18:40 End of civil twilight
19:31 Moonset
September 24, 2017
5:12 Beginning of civil twilight
5:50 Sunrise
10:25 Moonrise

7. Categories and Participants

Men's Open (MO) — men, no age restriction
Women's Open (WO) — women, no age restriction
Mixed Open (XO) — at least one man and one woman, no age restriction
Men's Youth (MY) — men, all must be under 23 years of age
Women's Youth (WY) — women, all must be under 23 years of age
Mixed Youth (XY) — at least one man and one woman, all must be under 23 years of age
Men's Veteran (MV) — men, all must be 40 years of age or over
Women's Veteran (WV) — women, all must be 40 years of age or over
Mixed Veteran (XV) — at least one man and one woman, all must be 40 years of age or over
Men's Super Veteran (MSV) — men, all must be 55 years of age or over
Women's Super Veteran (WSV) — women, all must be 55 years of age or over
Mixed Super Veteran (XSV) — at least one man and one woman, all must be 55 years of age or over
Men's Ultra Veteran (MUV) — men, all must be 65 years of age or over
Women's Ultra Veteran (WUV) — women, all must be 65 years of age or over
Mixed Ultra Veteran (XUV) — at least one man and one woman, all must be 65 years of age or over

8. Punching System

SportIdent punching system will be used. Participants can use their own SI cards (high capacity models: SI-Card6, SI-Card10, SI-Card11, SIAC) or rent a card from the organizers. Please specify the need for rent with your application. The following types of SportIdent cards are not allowed: SI-Card5, SI-Card8, pCard, tCard.

9. Nutrition during the rogaine

Meals will be served in the competition centre and at several locations in the competition terrain. There is a number of grocery stores throughout the competition terrain usually open from 9 to 18. There are wells in some villages. Grocery stores, wells and springs will be designated in the map using "glass" symbol, working hours will be indicated.

10. Mandatory Equipment

- Map and bib number for each participant (will be issued by the organizers)
- Mobile phone with fully charged battery capable of working for at least 24 hours with organizers emergency contact number stored in phone memory (will be sealed by the organizers and might be used in emergency situations only)
- A whistle

11. Entries

Entries for participation are accepted from June 15, 2017 to September 15, 2017 online; please fill in registration form on the website:
Entry fees:
- Payment made before 15.08.17: 1850 rubles (reduced fee of 1350 rubles for participants younger than 21 years and pensioners)
- Payment made from 15.08.17 to 15.09.17: 2250 rubles (reduced fee of 1750 rubles for participants younger than 21 years and pensioners)
Payment after 15.09.17 is not accepted.

12. Organizers and contact details

Pavel Shestakov- event director
Vyacheslav Sidnev - chief secretary, IT support
Denis Bareev - course planning and setting
14th Russian Rogaining Championships official Web site:
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